Tons of Projects, Tons of photos, Tons of work!

It has been a long time since we’ve had the time to make an update on here. We have been super busy freelancing the past few months, and right on the heels of a very busy summer was a busy early fall and then Hurricane Sandy! VigilanteHD has been busy bidding on several jobs and doing a ton of Scarlet rentals. There are so many set photos on backlog, I don’t think we will ever be able to catch up and do a write up on each job. From now on its going to be a few jobs pressed together into an update. We will also be doing some gear review, tech type blog posts to let our geeky side shine!
Most of the photos I will be uploading onto our Facebook page, and I will be detailing VigilanteHD projects on the blog.
Happy Holidays and stay tuned for more!
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