Commercial: Army Vs. Navy

Working as a freelancer definitely has its perks! Working with some of the best shooters in the biz, we created a video that introduced the Army Vs. Navy Football game last year. It was a great experience getting to go up to West Point and Annapolis. All of the kids were great to work with and very appreciative and understanding of our shoot. And their performances were really fantastic!
Shooting on DSLR’s is always a good time. Especially now that we have all the proper peices to make the job go smoothly. The portion I was involved with, the two glee club performances, was shot on multiple Canon 5d’s. One of which was flying with the incredibly talented Adam from Black Dog Jib
Despite some rainy weather and a lot of travel, this shoot went really well! We had a really small crew on this one. It is always great to see how much can get done with only a handful of devoted and skilled individuals.
Here is the piece!
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